
Recensione Softonic

Livello della batteria BN Pro - Nero

BN Pro Battery Level-Black is a medium-density add-on package for Battery Notifier Pro BTor higher. This add-on is specifically designed for users who prefer a battery icon with black text that gradually becomes more see-through as the battery loses charge. It is intended for users with a light or white status bar and may not work well for users with a dark or black status bar as the battery charge gets low.

The color of the battery at various charge levels is fixed and based on the battery charge level percentage left. Green represents%, blue represents 50-31%, orange represents 30-16%, and red represents 15-0%.

Please note that these icons cannot be used with the custom blue, orange, and red text color level options in Battery Notifier Pro BT.

For installation, you must have already purchased and installed Battery Notifier Pro BT. After downloading the add-on from Google Play, press "Open" to install.

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